The Ukrainian Translation of the Latest Best Seller with the Pre-face by MIM’s President Is Released

16 October 2018

Prof. Iryna Tykhomyrova, MIM’s president wrote a preface to the Ukrainian edition of the 21 LESSONS FOR THE 21ST CENTURY, the best seller by Yuval Noah Harari. “His books initiate discussions about the challenges which are shaping the civilization development. His lessons will help create our future,” Prof. Tykhomyrova said.

“21 LESSONS FOR THE 21ST CENTURY” was released by the BookChef within the MIM’s Library series. It is the second book by Yuval Noah Harari published there. The authors’ ideas are perceived as a roadmap identifying the current threats.

It is not the first futurist study of Yuval Noah Harari, the lecturer at the Department of History of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. In his book “Homo Deus” which was also translated into Ukrainian, he examined the big future projects facing humanity in the 21st century.