SPRINGER Published the Book Co-Authored by MIM
09 July 2018
The “Business and Society. Making Management Education Relevant for the 21st Century” book summarizing several-years-long research in 11 countries including Ukraine was released by the Springer Publishing House. The study investigated the future corporate needs on one hand and readiness of the business education industry to meet those needs on the other hand.
Prof. Iryna Tykhomyrova, MIM’s president and Dr. Vadym Saveliev, MIM’s associate professor and marketing and strategy consultant authored one the “Management and Leadership Development Needs: The Case of Ukraine” chapter.
“Our chapter covers the situation in Ukraine. The chapter features the results of the two-year long research. We may make the research results public now,” Prof. Tykhomyrova said.
Authors discovered that all 11 countries share the same challenges. Dr. Alenka Braček Lalić, the book’s co-director mentioned that all the challenges fall into three groups: negative demography trends, fourth industrial revolution, and consumers’ behavior change. Now, when the challenges are clear, the business education industry is better equipped for getting the right responses