20 August 2021

Pavlo Novikov, communication expert and idea monger of the “Vaccination Parent’s Day”, and an anchor of the NV Radio, one of the Ukrainian media leaders, discussed the in-company vaccination campaign at the MIM-TV. He shared many valuable ideas as the threat of the new wave of COVID-19 pandemic is still looming. Here are the main points of discussion. 

On the Advantages

Vaccination creates true business assets. Five prominent business associations are launching lobbying efforts to let businesses with 70% – 80% vaccinated staff continue operations regardless of lockdown. When everything is agreed upon, the companies could work even in the “red zone” where everything is closed. It means that businesses have revenues and promote a healthy economy. 

On the Organization

Business is good at logistics. I got my jabs at Starlight Media. My brother works there, so he invited me because his employer allowed inviting one family member. So, I looked into the organization side of the in-company vaccinations. If you have 50 persons who want to get vaccinated, then it is easy. But if you have 52 or 90 employees you are in trouble because of the vaccine packaging. If healthcare professionals have to dispose of doses, they are not going to go.

On the Adaptability

One of Kyiv’s companies applied for 100 persons, but only 4 showed up in the morning. Those 4 did everything possible to have all their relatives and friends vaccinated. If family members are allowed, it makes everything more feasible. 

No Waiting Lines

I hate lines. Businesses can avoid lines during vaccination. I saw schedules with 4 minutes intervals. On average, medics spent 2.5 minutes on each person.

On Vaccination Logistics

It is not possible to vaccinate 500 people in a day, even on your premises. They can give 200 jabs a day at maximum. Then they also need time to roll out and then pack back. If a company has 50 employees, they might not come to its premises because of the logistics.

On Cooperation

Businesses would better cooperate, especially those having nationwide offices. They might not have enough people to secure vaccination for their employees in small towns. I heard stories when retailers – direct competitors joined forces to vaccinate their employees in small towns. 


First of all, learn about which vaccines are available. Secondly, make the vaccination team comfortable. Thirdly, they usually come for half a day or a day. If it is a small town, offer them transfers. You can transform the conference room into a vaccination place. Have at least 10 - 15 pens to fill in all necessary forms. Take care of chairs. Do not schedule everyone on 9 – 12 – better make a detailed timetable. Always have somebody ready to swap the slot because you shall have people who forget, oversleep, etc. Then account for a break for medics every two and a half hours. Do not forget that vaccinated people must spend 30 minutes supervised by healthcare professionals. 

Public Image

Prominent national media holdings promote vaccination. We agreed that we would mention each and every business that vaccinates its employees and people over 50. I mention such businesses when I am on the air every morning at 44 Ukrainian cities. I believe that it is good social advertising. On the other hand, it is good for business because people who are taken care of by their employers are the best advertising agents in the world.