MIM-Kyiv granted its First DBA Degree

09 June 2016

MIM-Kyiv conferred its first Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) degree on Oleksandr Holovchenko, MIM-Kyiv MBA 2000 and CEO for Soyuz Grid for his research “Senior Executives Motivation Systems in Energy and Fuel Sector in Ukraine”. MIM-Kyiv is the first school in Ukraine which has launched the DBA program in Ukraine and has granted its DBA degree. In such a way MIM-Kyiv has been accomplishing a multifaceted task of developing potential faculty, bringing about national business research, and even disrupting the national research scene.

Dr. Holovchenko delivered his inauguration lecture as the main part of the newly developed ceremony of public presentation of the dissertation. In particular, he mentioned that energy and fuel sector has been one of top strategic priorities for Ukrainian economy and economic security. Within his research he studied in-depth how motivation systems are related to the long-term success of the companies, what are the international trends in industry’s motivation systems, what could be applied to the Ukrainian situation and gave his recommendations as to how to improve Ukrainian energy and fuel industry motivation practices.

Dr. Vitaly Hayduk, MIM-Kyiv’s Chairman of the Board and well-known Ukrainian businessman in his welcoming speech stressed the pioneering spirit of what was happening. He said “I appreciate what you have done. New and better dissertations will follow, but you have been the first. You will remain the #1 Doctor of Business Administration in Ukraine.” Prof. Iryna Tykhomyrova, MIM-Kyiv President when awarding Doctorate diploma to Dr. Holovchenko said that it was rather the new institution established nationwide than just another doctorate degree document. “MIM starts a new tradition, tradition of DBA in Ukraine,” she stressed “We do hope for the new faculty teaching business and new research affecting business practices and teaching business in Ukraine ”. Prof. Max Goltsberg Prof. Lina Khassan-Bek, DBA program co-directors also greeted Dr. Holovchenko and told how unusual the research was against to the Ukrainian tradition. Dr. Holovchenko’s colleagues who were present at the ceremony agreed that the research had both academic and practical value and joined the congratulations.