13 June 2022

On June 15, the global educational project ReІnforceUA: MIM Global Knowledge Hub kicked off.  We have started to rebuild Ukraine in the global context before the war is over. 

- We understand that the war put Ukraine in the spotlight. That’s why top thinkers and experts from all over the world joined our project. So far, 4 speakers have already confirmed their participation. Dr. Guy Standing, FAcSS, Professorial Research Associate at SOAS University of London, Co-President of the Basic Income Earth Network (BIEN), and author of the global bestsellers Battling Eight Giants: Basic Income NowBasic Income: And How We Can Make It HappenThe Precariat: The New Dangerous Class, etc., Prof. Iryna Tykhomyrova, president of MIM-Kyiv told us about the project start. 

She mentioned that the project was building on the Facing the Future International Educational Forum and was aimed at the future of Ukraine and business. 

- Due to our project, Ukrainians can listen to the live lectures of the world-class intellectuals, inaccessible before. The growing interest in the project proves its timeliness. To implement our vision of a new Ukraine we should be prepared for quick restoration actions after our victory, Prof. Tykhomyrova mentioned.   

All lectures are free for Ukrainians to support their activities. However, donations are welcomed. The funds raised will be directed to humanitarian needs. 

- Ukrainians have already proved their networking skills and complex problem-solving capabilities. We are merely reinforcing those skills and capabilities with knowledge and ideas, and networking opportunities. Join us, register at the

 ReІnforceUA: MIM Global Knowledge Hub site . Don’t miss a unique opportunity to listen to the globally acknowledged professionals, Prof. Tykhomyrova said.


Project Partners: Bohdan Hawrylyshyn Family Foundation and three most prominent business education associations and accreditors – AACSB, Association of MBAs та EFMD.