DBA Class 2016 Kicked Off
22 June 2016
On June 17, 19 new students started their DBA (Doctor of Business Administration) program. 15 out them are MIM’s alumni. Welcome back!
As it has become a tradition, Christopher Cordey, Lausanne Business School professor and management consultant opened the course with his Change Management course. It turned out that people had very different motivation for taking the program. Some of them wanted to learn new things to be used for their companies restructuring, some planned entering the new markets and needed expertise, but most were ready to learn and develop the new knowledge.
“If the Ph.D. program is about “know what”, the DBA program is mostly about “know how”. If you want to bewilder people, give them all the information. That is why we structured the program to give our students all the information they need and nothing more. No obsolete cases and no basic things,” Prof. Max Goltsberg, DBA program co-director said.
Iryna Tykhomyrova in her welcome speech told the participants that, “DBA program is probably one of the most important. DBA program confirms that a school has resources, potential, and trust. I hope that you enjoy the program and defend your dissertations.”