02 April 2021

Restrictions sometimes trigger growth and development. Now when we are shifting online once again, our alumni - marketers shared their experiences of surviving and thriving under uncertainty. 

Andrii Hubynsky, managing partner of the Craft Innovations, MIM-Kyiv’s visiting professor and МВА-2010:

Don’t be afraid of experiments. There is no silver bullet. Use a “What if…” approach. Those are a good remedy against inflated expectations and analysis paralysis that block the projects. Experiments often bring quick wins. Always ask yourselves what your customers think about your business. If you don’t know and don’t have any research to help you go visit your clients and see their real lives with your own eyes. Depth interviews, monitoring how they use your services and goods, and their sites' dynamics are often good helpers. Talking to your clients is even better because they tell you how you can improve your business. 

Vitaly Tkachenko, strategic marketing consultant and co-founder of the Tkachenko&Myroniuk Marketing Agency, MIM-Kyiv MBA:

“Honesty is the best policy when it comes to communications with customers. Besides, you need to understand how to retain customers. For a time being you need to refocus your strategy to retaining your existing customers from recruiting new ones. If you know why your customers may leave, you understand how to keep them. Always remember that it is a customer who pays your salaries. In most cases, people do not tell why they leave. Such conversations are uncomfortable. But growth is an uncomfortable thing and if you could put your finger on the uncomfortable, you often find how to grow. I'd like to recommend humbleness. The one-man-show approach passed its prime whereas collaborations and teamwork are the name of the game. And don’t forget that everything is about customers in business.”

Kateryna Spivakova, managing director for PLEON Talan advertising agency, co-chair of the Media & Communications Committee of the AmCham, and MIM-Kyiv MBA 2010:

Be honest and don’t be afraid. There are many tools for better understanding your customers and selecting the best platforms but no ready-to-wear solutions. If something goes wrong, it is best to admit the mistake, and regroup. New instruments need trying, and problems need solutions rather than ignoring. You have to be honest and open. Our times are excellent for learning and mastering new skills due to the flexible schedules and online. “