18 April 2022

MIM-Kyiv launches its Pre-MBA “MM2” program in marketing, management, and leadership. This program is adjusted to meet the war requirements. 10 students joined the nine-month-long hybrid program

“It is a very special program. It brings hope because education is always about the future. This class consists of сoptimists who like us are sure of our victory. We are getting ready to restore our country after the war and we need to improve our skills. Although now some of our windows are broken by the blast waves, we all are confident that we will return to our renewed classrooms. We hope that we will award your diplomas at MIM-Kyiv, our home. Our faculty is happy to start teaching. They were missing you,” Iryna Tykhomyrova, MIM-Kyiv president said in her welcome speech.

MM2 is as interactive as any other MIM-Kyiv program. It features case studies and “Markstrat” and “Everest” business simulations. The simulations in particular are effective in honing managerial skills. 

- Spring is a time of various business associations’ conferences especially on digitalization, environmental issues, etc. If they had been scheduled after February 24, leadership and crisis behavior would have been the most popular topics. Critical situations call for crisis management tools. Our program is exactly about the crisis management toolbox, Iryna Tykhomyrova added. 

The program bridges marketing and management. Such a blend is the latest answer to the current challenges. 

Oleksandr Sudarkin, MIM-Kyiv’s MBA program director underlined that real-life business adaptability exceeds any forecasts. Managerial skills merely enhance businesses’ and people’s resilience. Real cases prove that. 

- I have seen that organizations achieve unbelievable progress due to managerial and organizational mastery. At the beginning of the pandemic, the research on how long organizational digitalization may take. The most agile said half a year, whereas large banks talked about five years. MIM-Kyiv managed in 3-4 weeks. After the war had started, the partnering organizations already increased their capacity by many times. We couldn’t believe it was possible but it is time when everything is possible. Our program is exactly like our time – unorthodox and innovative, Oleksandr Sudarkin said. 

Oleksiy Vynogradov, MIM-Kyiv vice-president mentioned that the program covers both the personal facet of marketing and leadership and the managerial toolbox for successful implementation of business projects. 

- The majority of businesses lost their sales and have their customer base reduced. We aim to help you master knowledge and skills crucial for preventing sales reduction and targeting new customers to keep the cash flow positive, Oleksiy said. He also mentioned that the MIM-Kyiv community boasts 7.500 alumni many of them active in volunteering and support of our Army. “The war proved the power of our community. They are realizing an incredible number of projects. We as a business school are doing our best to support them. That’s why we are doing our online projects,” Oleksiy mentioned.