MIM Assists Kyivstar in Developing Executives-To-Be

19 September 2018

On September 17, MIM started its program for the future executives of the Kyivstar, the largest national mobile operator. The two-year long program is the school’s second project of cooperation with the company.

Oksana Oliynyk, HR director of the company said “the program has three main aims. Firstly, to help participants develop strategic thinking or the ability to think outside of the box. Secondly, we want them to master leadership skills. And thirdly, it is a good instrument for identifying future leaders of the company.”

The program has 192 contact hour covering finance, HR management, marketing, and business processes. Leadership skills are the focal point of the program. As Ms. Oliynyk mentioned, Kyivstar people would learn to lead a team, provide feedback, and establish and maintain communication integrating the newest technologies.