CEEMAN Awards Its IQA Accreditation
12 September 2017
CEEMAN officially announced that MIM Business School was re-accredited the IQA accreditation for the second time. In July 2017 a CEEMAN peer review team visited MIM. The visit was part of the IQA (International Quality Accreditation) re-accreditation procedure. MIM was accredited for the first time in 2004. Back then, this was such an unusual event for the international business education community that even the Financial Times covered the accreditation. For us, accreditation is more than just an improvement exercise, but also a snapshot of what is going on in the markets, how we compare against others and whether we are staying current.
Dr. Alenka Braček, CEEMAN IQA Director from Slovenia, and Dr. Tatiana Volkova from Latvia were on the review team. They discussed all aspects of our activities, ranging from market perceptions to feedback from our students and corporate partners. “We are proud to be with you,” Dr. Braček said as the end of her visit.
“I would like to thank CEEMAN, MIM’s team, our students, alumni, partners and members of our community for your support during the peer review visit. We will build on its findings,” Prof. Iryna Tykhomyrova said.