Timothy S. Mescon, AACSB Senior Vice President Visited MIM-Kyiv

01 April 2016

Dr. Timothy S. Mescon is the Senior Vice President and Chief Officer Europe, the Middle East and Africa. The Office started its activities in early 2015 in Amsterdam. In September 2015 MIM-Kyiv joined AACSB. Currently, MIM-Kyiv is preparing documentation package for the Eligibility Application.

As the part of the visit Dr. Mescot met MIM-Kyiv’s faculty, had a discussion with MIM-Kyiv alumni and students. He also made a presentation to the Ukrainian media. In all his communications Dr. Mescot paid special attention to the role of innovation, engagement and impact or the three pillars of AACSB accreditation. He also mentioned that MIM-Kyiv activities are very much in line with those fundamentals.
Currently, 366 business schools of EMEA region are members of the AACSB, 108 of them are AACSB accredited. MIM-Kyiv is the only Ukrainian business school present in the organization. For educators the AACSB accreditation means quality assurance. However, it is also instrumental in networking and forging partnerships with the top international schools. Due to the membership MIM-Kyiv has become a part of the AACSB Exchange, a digital platform enabling real time communication with the peers all over the world with other key services of the AACSB available for MIM-Kyiv.