06 December 2022

MIM-Kyiv applied for certification and has accomplished the first stage of the PMI (Project Management Institute) accreditation for the MBA and pre-MBA Business program.

PMI authored one of the most recognizable methodologies for project management. MIM-Kyiv’s course in project management is underpinned by it. After the accreditation, those programs graduates will be awarded international qualifications and eligible for the positions requiring those qualifications. It also opens the way to fast-track PMI certification.

- PMI certificate is the most sought-after around the world. Upon accreditation, MIM-Kyiv will become one of the authorized centers for project management studies, Andriy Sosnovsky, MIM-Kyiv professor in charge of the PMI certification said.

He explained that PMI is not officially represented in Ukraine. Before the war, PMI operated in Russia but left the Russian market after the invasion.

- Due to the accreditation our students will be preferred candidates for managing numerous projects that will be launched under the Recovery UA program worth 750 billion dollars. No wonder that PMI’s project management qualifications will become very popular. There is a gap in available expertise which MIM-Kyiv is helping to cover by the establishment of the PMI training center where the future project managers will be taught, Andriy Sosnovsky explained.